Kitchen Mishaps, They Happen to Us All
Ok guys let’s talk kitchen mistakes, shall we?
I don’t care how long you have been cooking or baking in the kitchen— we all make mistakes. I have never been shy about sharing mine. Back when I was doing my cooking classes I proudly showed off any or all mistakes during the time spent I taught in my kitchen.
Some of my mistakes had turned into great achievements— but most haven’t.
Will I ever stop forgetting bread in the oven? Probably not. Is there a day in my future I don’t forget a hot pad when grabbing a scorching hot cookie sheet from the oven? Nope.
Throwing away some burnt bread during a past cooking class!
Burnt Corn Chips
Fried Hot Pad
Thankfully, it’s not just me. Ask my kids to tell you about the time my husband made them pancakes from scratch. Someone should've been there to tell him that sugar he grabbed happened to be kosher salt…
And here’s me last night. Baking a pie from our orchard peaches that I had pre-made and frozen. Notice anything unusual? Huh. Plastic wrap. I suppose that should have come off BEFORE I put in the oven.
Peach pie with a side of molten plastic wrap
We all make mistakes. That’s part of life and part of being in the kitchen. And in life the best thing you can do when that happens is laugh-and learn.
Do you have any kitchen mishaps to share?!? And what did you learn? Do you have a picture to prove it??
Share. So we can all laugh along.
Cheers and love from my kitchen to yours!